
Wireless Microphone SE-2080

Product description

Receiver: 1

Antenna: 4
Handheld Microphone: 2
Frequency Range: UHF 500-600 MHz
USB charger: 5v USB charging
Modulation Mode: FM
Dynamic Ranger: 100dB
Frequency Respone: 50 Hz-18 KHz
Frequency Stability: ±0.05%
Max Deviation: ±48 KHz
Receiver Distane: 150 m

Channel: 2x100

Microphone Broadcast Intensity: 10mmW

Noi Resistane:(S/N): 105 dB
Manual and Dynamic Frequency Selection: IR 100
Led display on the Recever and Microphone show battery status
Power: AC Adapter
Output jack: 6mm, XLR